Friday, July 14, 2017

A Solution to the Fermi Paradox Can Be Tested Now With a Simple Free Experiment

Edited 6 February 2021

For decades scientists and others have speculated about the 'Fermi Paradox': in a galaxy with billions of stars, and a Universe with billions of galaxies, where are the ETs? Why haven't we seen them...why haven't they contacted us?

The answer is simple, and easily tested. The real question for those speculating about ETs is NOT whether you believe the following explanation, but rather: Do you want to know if it's true? Can you say 'Yes' or 'No' to the question in the experiment below?

>The 'Hypothesis'

In a zoo hypothesis ('Prime Directive') variant, the first phase of Contact began when humans reached a particular technological level--nuclear weapons, and rockets which would soon travel in space. The ETs made their presence known, rather bluntly in some cases, to the governments of major nations--especially to the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. (Russia), and in particular with respect to nuclear weapons--and to millions of people around the world.

While nearly all 'UFO sightings' are nonsense, or easily explainable natural phenomena or human technology, there are many which clearly represent the presence of other advanced technological intelligences.

They haven't forced 'acknowledgement' of their presence--e.g., with a dramatic daylight appearance over major cities--because (except for a 'Final Warning', e.g., as in the original TDTESS) willfully forcing acknowledgement of an ET presence on a primitive civilization is a hostile and destructive act, and contrary to their metaphysical understandings.

Honoring their policy required many thousands of difficult and uncertain judgements as to when and how they might appear, based on the ability of our civilization to deny the blindingly obvious.

In the era of universal cell phone cameras, significant appearances before groups of humans are no longer possible, since such appearances would force acknowledgement.

They have a better understanding of our civilization than we do, and they know of the experiences of many other civilizations. Some of the ETs are quite capable of communicating in images and in our languages the story of Life of the Universe, and they're ready to begin the next phase of Contact as soon as one or more sovereign entities (nations) take responsibility for beginning the process.

Only a sovereign can take responsibility for initiating this process, because only a sovereign can take responsibility for the consequences. In the next phase of Contact, we will have access to enormous amounts of information from the ETs.

The ETs have honored their faith, and done their job by 'knocking on our door' tens of thousands of times. When humankind has the intelligence, wisdom, and courage to acknowledge this hypothesis, and test it by answering the knock on our door, asking 'Who are you, and what do you want?', then the ETs will respond, and Contact will begin.

>The Experiment

The first step is to openly ask, and invite open answers ('Yes' or 'No'!) from the SETI/METI scientists, and the astrobiologists at NASA, etc., to the question below.

The second step is to ask NASA (or an element of another nation's sovereign):

"Would you welcome an undeniable appearance, or even a brief open message (in optical Morse Code), from ETs who have long since 'found us', and are willing to begin the next phase of Contact?" [Optical Morse Code is essential for a short message because radio is too easily spoofed or jammed, and it cannot be known with certainty to have come from a clearly visible extraterrestrial spacecraft.]

The next phase of Contact will begin when one or more of the sovereigns of our world welcome it.

Some scientists might argue that we've already sent messages, on spacecraft and by radio, and no one replied. But why would they have replied? They know the messages were not intended for them--ETs who have long been here--and were sent by, or with the acquiescence of governments, elements of which knew with certainty of the ET presence--before NASA was created--and not only were lying about this, by omission or commission, but dreaded the possibility ETs would initiate Contact with humankind.

>Why should we do this 'experiment'?

It's a simple and obvious experiment which costs nothing and can be done right now. Isn't it a bit hypocritical to spend millions and billions of dollars searching for ETs we'll never have a useful conversation with--because they're bugs, or many light years away--and then to refuse to try an experiment that could begin a conversation with intelligent ETs who are already here?

There are 'good' reasons (?) for opposing Contact, and thus for answering the question with a 'No', or saying 'No' by ignoring or evading the question.

But, if scientists won't consider and/or NASA won't sanction this experiment, then they should understand that they--and we--are making a huge wager on the future of our civilization: that we're more likely to survive and prosper in the coming years and decades by ignoring the possibility, however slight it may seem, of learning of the experiences of other rapidly advancing pre-singularity civilizations--like ours in many ways. What happens to civilizations who refuse to learn from the 'Mistakes of the Past'?

There were other civilizations with their atomic scientists and their 'Doomsday Clocks'. Do you care enough about the future of our civilization to ask what became of them?

Thursday, July 13, 2017

About This Blog

[The email address for this blog is in the 'Complete Profile' link on the right side of the page.]

The primary purpose of this blog is to suggest a simple approach to initiating 'Contact' now with the ETIs interacting with the human race, and to argue that learning of the experiences of other rapidly evolving technological civilizations might be critical to the well being and even survival of our civilization. At a minimum, if the idea is discussed openly enough, it will end any pretense of a 'debate' over the reality of UFOs.

[Please note that 'ETI' is used in the popular sense to refer to the 'Others', in 'UFOs', interacting with our civilization--whoever they are, and 'wherever', or 'whenever' they come from.]

The secondary purpose is to suggest a simple 'open-source' science experiment which could end now the 'debate' over the reality of psychic phenomena; and to argue that a better understanding of the relationship between consciousness and 'reality' might also be critical to our well being, and perhaps even survival.

No attempt is made to present evidence to support the reality of UFOs and Psi, since the publicly available evidence already demonstrates beyond any doubt that these 'hypotheses' are correct. The two experiments are simply intended to demonstrate their reality in an open, public, undeniable way.

Anyone who doubts the correctness of the basic argument of this blog is invited to ask NASA--or your nation's space agency--about the simple experiment, which costs nothing and can be done now, as posed in 'A Real SETI...'.

No UFO skeptic can openly pose that (Real SETI) question, because the ensuing discussion will inevitably end the UFO 'debate', and then the coverup, forcing 'Acknowledgement', and eventually Contact; and that, in turn, will necessarily end the materialist delusion which is the basis of our civilization.

Of course, it will also end this era (of many millennia) of human civilization--for better, and for worse...

Are we more likely, as a civilization, to survive and prosper in the coming years and decades by ignoring the lessons which we might learn from the experiences of past civilizations?

Do you want to know what happened to all the 'others'?


 Older articles, in order from oldest to newest:

[Posting dates of older articles do not necessarily reflect the dates the articles were written, or originally posted.]

UFOs and the Psychic ET Pseudoscientists explains all the main ideas, and explains the approach to initiating Contact now. (If you're only interested in why it's important to initiate contact now, and how this can be accomplished, a later post explains it more briefly.)

While any significant interaction with an advanced civilization will necessarily end the simplistic notion of 'reductionist scientific materialism' and any debate over the reality of Psi, Simple Online Psi Experiment explains an experiment which could accomplish this now--before Contact.

Intentions and the 'Law of Attraction' suggests an approach for testing the notion that humans, subject to various other presently unknown factors, influence by their thoughts, intentions, beliefs, and expectations, etc., the physical reality they experience in their lives.

Spirituality & the Transhumanists points out a few parallels between the ideas of the Transhumanists, e.g., the idea that 'We'll upload our minds to computers, and live forever...', and on the other hand, the best intelligence available about the actual (spiritual) nature of our existence--from Near Death Experiences, et al. Before the Transhumanists march bravely (and ignorantly) into the Singularity, they might want to consider the ideas in this article; and indeed, this entire blog.

Reverse Engineering addresses the familiar idea in the UFO community that the U.S.G. has 'reverse-engineered' crashed flying saucers to create their own fleet of spaceships, with capabilities equivalent to the ET ships. [Summary: No, they haven't. And, no, they won't--ever.]

Truth and Freedom is for the CIA--and the Vatican--et al.

A Real SETI and Why It Matters is a briefer explanation of the UFO/Contact issues, for those who don't have the time or interest to consider the Psi issue. If you have any doubt that UFO/ETIs have been interacting with our civilization for decades, and that major governments are lying about this fact, then try asking a SETI scientist or your nation's space agency the question posed in this post. ('Speaking for your government, would you welcome a message...?')

Sample Message for 'Diplomatic' Contact is a message which could be used now to initiate the 'Diplomatic Contact' option mentioned in 'A Real SETI...'. Note: If you previously copied this blog for private distribution, please ensure that you have the updated version (December 2014) of this post.

No Nukes explains a deal we might make--after Contact with the ETIs--to remove all (or nearly all) nuclear weapons on this planet. Of course, some of the folks in the planetary genocide cult of 'National Security' experts won't like this very much.

'Vast Alien Consciousness' and Acknowledgment is for the handful of folks in the UFO community who either know a little (but not much) about reality and consciousness, who fear that Contact will empower some UFO-related beings (or 'powers and forces', etc.) from other 'realities' to harm us.

Would They Talk to Us? answers the question of whether one or more ETIs would respond to the 'Real SETI...' approach. [Summary: They will respond to any good-faith, open request by the U.N.--and even, in a limited way, to an open request from a single nation which provides plausible assurances as explained in 'A Real SETI...' and 'Sample Message...'.] [Updated July 2015.]

Watch the Big Triangles explains why large triangles are the most important UFOs for those interested in Contact.

Recent Books mentions a few recent books about UFOs which might be useful for readers of this blog.

Contact, Acknowledgment, and Disclosure briefly discusses these issues.

Contact and the Future Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4  discuss some of the consequences of Contact, and other inevitable changes coming in the next few decades. Spring 2016 update to CF4.

UFOs, and the Centre for the Study of Existential Risk This post was intended for the folks at CSER, who apparently have forgotten an old saying: 'Those who forget the mistakes of the past are condemned to repeat them.' It's nice that they care about the future of our civilization, but it would be nicer if they could openly discuss the 'Real SETI' question...and to try to understand the high-stakes wager they--and others speaking about 'existential risks'--are making.

If You're Interested in Contact, Read This Book: Triangular UFOs Or at least try to learn about the history of the big Triangles. These are the folks we want to talk to. What sort of folks--and what sort of civilization--would be interacting with our civilization as they have been for decades? And why?

How to End the UFO Debate, and Contact Extraterrestrials--Now  Mostly intended for the UFO community, this explains a simple question that can end any debate (about UFOs and the ET presence) with most 'skeptics'--especially scientists 'searching for ET'. And it explains how to begin Contact now, if NASA can answer a simple question with a 'Yes or No': "Would you welcome a brief message from, or at least an undeniable appearance by any ETs observing our world who are willing to begin Contact now?"

A Solution to the Fermi Paradox Can Be Tested Now With a Simple Free Experiment  A short article explains the 'hypothesis', and the experiment to test it. Do we want Contact now, or is our best hope for the future to 'ignore the mistakes of the past' civilizations? Can scientists 'searching for ETs' and those speculating about the Fermi Paradox openly discuss this question, and answer with a Yes or No?