Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Extraterrestrial Contact 2023-24

 This article explains how one or more nations can initiate civilization level Contact--now--with ETs who have been interacting with our world for over seven decades.


At this point of rapidly evolving science and technology, and ongoing destruction of our living planet, etc., the future and fate of humankind depend on an understanding of the experiences of other planetary civilizations, like ours in various ways, and the relevance of those experiences for our future. Who survived, to travel among the stars--and who destroyed themselves? Looking at the experiences of other civilizations, what does our future look like on our current path? For decades the governments of major nations, supported by the scientists and news media have been making an existential wager on the fate of humankind: that we're more likely to survive and prosper by ignoring the opportunity to learn from the experiences, and mistakes, of past civilizations.

>Psychic Contact

This is not a suggestion for some form of psychic contact with any of the strange beings humans have interacted with since the dawn of humankind. Meaningful civilization level Contact requires videos and text in our languages which can be seen by all interested governments and peoples of our world.

>The ETs

They've been studying our world for over 75 years (if not millennia), and obviously know more about physics and metaphysics, and more about our civilization and about our history than we do. And most importantly they know about experiences of other civilizations that reached our technological level. The ETs haven't forced the issue of their presence, e.g., with a dramatic daytime appearance, because they know from experience that the fear, anger, and resentment caused by an uninvited dramatic appearance can cripple any hope of a constructive long-term relationship. Instead, for decades, they've carefully and patiently 'knocked on our door', waiting for a "Who's there?" from one or more nations, or the UN.

It's long been speculated that advanced ET races would refrain from contacting primitive civilizations until they reached a certain level of development. Avi Loeb, and his fellow scientists, speaking for themselves, are one word away from that level of development.

The word is 'Yes'.

"Would you welcome an undeniable appearance and perhaps a simple message from any ETs who are already here, observing our world?" If NASA, or a government spokesperson from one or more nations with sufficient press freedom (foreign and domestic), citizens with cellphones to take videos of the requested appearance, and open communications with the rest of the world can say Yes to a question like that, then at least one sovereign, and part of the human race will have reached the level of development necessary for the first step in civilization level Contact. Only a government can initiate Contact, because only a government can take responsibility for the consequences of an undeniable appearance over their nation's territory. For oppressive nations, a more conspicuous response would be necessary--sufficient for all nations to know that it has occurred in response to an open request.

>How to do this now

The simplest form of Contact--an open demonstration of presence-- requires an open request by one or more nations for an open appearance, which would be intended as, and intended to be seen by nations of our world as a statement that the ETs are here, paying attention, and willing to talk to us when we say we're ready. This has long been an option for the many nations with a relatively 'free press', domestic and foreign.

If you think this is nonsense, then try asking NASA (or a spokesperson for the USG or another nation's government) the simple question above. NASA is spending billions of dollars looking for bugs in the solar system; and life signs on exoplanets, and has already begun a small study on UFOs to be completed later this year. So, NASA, do you want to know if "we're alone in the Universe?". Of course, for its entire history NASA has been, and is obedient to the UFO secret keepers in DOD/IC, and their big lie.

Or ask any space scientist--like Avi Loeb (head of the Galileo Project), or especially a skeptic like Neil deGrasse Tyson--if they would welcome a message, and would they invite NASA to sanction the invitation?

Could they say Yes or No, or would they simply try to evade the question?

>The First Step in Contact

The first step is a message to the world which lets all nations know that ETs are here, and willing to talk to us. A brief message in optical Morse Code (blinking lights on a clearly ET ship, recorded by cellphone videos), might also be included. The initiating nation(s) might request an appearance at time(s) and/or place(s) to alert citizens and the media; and might request technical and procedural protocol options for receiving further substantive communications.

>The Next Step in Contact

The next step is a combination of text and videos with sound, text, charts and graphs, in our language(s), and in the color spectrum and frequencies of sound humans can perceive. Presumably the default 'reference' language is English, but that could change depending on which countries take the lead in Contact.

Details of the technical protocol(s) for providing their information are up to the ETs, but they may be willing to accommodate one of several approaches humans propose. Any technical protocol should be consistent with two principles.

The first is that the fact of every substantive communication is known to the world, including the message number, number of files. size(s), and plausibly secure hash code(s) for each file. This ensures that anyone receiving files eventually released, leaked, or 'stolen' and released, will know that the information is exactly what was provided by the ETs, to avoid the destructive confusion caused by the inevitable creation by various parties of altered and faked versions.

The second principle is that the content is made available to every interested government at more or less the same time, with the understanding that the information is embargoed for at least a few days (whether or not every nation can be expected to honor the understanding). The ETs will respond to the nation or nations which wish to know about the ET presence and Life in the Universe, even if a few nations are opposed to Contact. But the oppressive nations are afforded some accommodation by an embargo, giving them time to disconnect their internet, and/or train their human and cybernetic censors, and activate their disinformation programs.

Of course, the ETs might, and lots of humans will disagree with such protocol(s). While the ETs might prefer 'ideally' that all interested people of the world could hear what they have to say, they are quite knowledgeable about the realities of various forms of governance and the psychology of various elements of the human race, and so will defer to the sovereigns' individual decisions of when and how to inform or disinform their citizens.

>An Awkward Relationship

Obviously Contact is a very awkward interaction between very different civilizations. The US and Russia (and the other nuclear armed states combined) have huge nuclear arsenals, and every day are prepared at a moment's notice to destroy our planetary civilization. Meanwhile, every day the human race destroys more of our living planet. Our current path is not sustainable without catastrophic, if not existential problems in the coming years or at most a few decades.

Many people, including government officials of various nations, support elimination of nuclear weapons, radical measures to end the ongoing destruction of ecosystems, and end the fossil fuel era. There's no guarantee that watching disaster documentaries of other civilizations will change the situation, but for now the 'powers that be' on our world, are either opposed to any major changes detrimental to their wealth and power, or given the social, political, and diplomatic realities of our world, are simply incapable making major changes in our path. The ETs observing and interacting with us understand civilizations like ours, but do not share our self destructive attitudes--or they would have long since destroyed themselves. The militaries of US/Russia/China are very aware of the ETs' 'concern' about their nuclear weapons, and the ETs' ability to disable launch systems and the weapons themselves. The ETs haven't interfered in our affairs in any significant way, because they value a diversity of experiences and evolution, and the freedom of primitive civilizations to choose their own path(s). There may, however, be limits to the level of destruction of the human race and of our living planet, by US, Russia, and other nuclear armed states that they will tolerate.

For rational people, the two most sensitive or disturbing issues in the videos will be civilization level failure modes and the ETs' knowledge of metaphysics and spirituality. The latter may be regarded as too sensitive to provide in the initial communications. While the simple ideas of the ETs' knowledge and 'philosophy' are seen in the Earth's religions, the detailed metaphysical knowledge will upset many of those devoted to elaborated theological beliefs, and also many scientists, and those in the thrall of the coming AI/'transhumanist' Singularity. Without a much greater understanding of metaphysics, our rapidly evolving technology, and the increasing power over our lives by intelligent machines will lead us into a very dark future, even without a nuclear catastrophe. There's a lot more the ETs 'can't' (won't) tell us about our world, because some of it is 'classified' by various nations, but mostly because rational observations and commentary on our society would be highly offensive to many people if provided by ETs, rather than human commentators.

>UN vs. Multinational Requests

A request by one nation, or group of interested nations, which credibly and verifiably ensures equal access to information by all interested nations is the best hope in the near future for acquiring the information we need to understand our situation in light of the experiences of past civilizations. However, given the level of hostility, distrust, and suspicion between and among nations, it's certain that the ETs will insist on a very cautious and formal Contact process, and after the first step may only be willing to respond to requests from the UN, in order to avoid having to choose among competing requests by two or more bitterly opposed nations or groups. In the worst case, a decision by the UN that further contact will require affirmative UN Security Council decisions (which can be vetoed by any permanent member), might effectively prevent any meaningful Contact after the first step. The ETs know that, and should the oppressive nations attempt to block any meaningful further Contact, might be sympathetic to a carefully reasoned request from a group of interested nations supporting their 'right to know' about our situation, and Life in the Universe. Of course this puts the ETs in a difficult situation: either respect the UN, which is neither willing nor able to take significant actions on nuclear weapons, environmental destruction, or climate change, etc.; or defy the UN in favor of 'free' nations trying to find a way for humankind to survive.

>Alternative Energy Systems

Obviously the ETs have 'alternative' energy systems, based on a knowledge of physics far beyond our present understanding, and may be willing to provide information to enhance our existing alternative systems, or information or even technology for manufacturing exotic systems. A great battle will ensue between those whose wealth and power depend on continued use of fossil fuels, which are destroying our living planet, and those who favor the survival of our civilization. The debate and outcome will be an important element of the story of what may be "Our Final Hour".


Any significant Contact will end fundamentalist materialism, and will make clear that the basis of reality is consciousness, not matter and energy. All advanced civilizations not only understand this, but are very knowledgeable about the theory and practice of using individual and collective consciousness to shape their realities, and about direct mental communication between beings. Many scientists and other 'rational' people may cling to their materialist beliefs, but for those who want a head start at understanding ETs and the nature of reality and Life in the Universe, you should get a briefing on the following:

--NDEs and past life memories of young children.

--Basic laboratory Psi research, and anecdotal reports of telepathy, clairvoyance (aka remote viewing), and 'psychokinesis' at a micro, macro, and large scale ('Law of Attraction', etc.) level. An understanding of the role of states of mind associated with the psychokinetic class of effects such as desire, intention, belief, expectation, etc., transient in the first two levels, and persistent or habitual in the LOA level, is also of critical importance.

--Anecdotal reports of 'inexplicable' changes in time and space are important, but should be regarded with extreme caution if elicited with hypnotic regression.

--The materialist scientific understanding of placebo/nocebo effects vs. anecdotal reports of the works of faith healers, and 'New Age' concepts of psychic or energy healing. This is part of the psychokinetic aspect of consciousness, and the understanding of how humans can in many cases heal themselves and others by their intentions, etc., will be enormously important to the future well being of the people of our world.

>Hostile ETs?

Two negative aspects of the UFO phenomenon are 'alien abductions', and (apparently microwave) radiation injuries from very close encounters.

While psychic encounters with abusive 'alien' beings are clearly happening (as they have for millennia), the abduction literature is a morass of irrationality caused by the widespread use of 'hypnotic regression' by naive hypnotists, with agendas, expectations--and apparently little understanding of consciousness and reality--to recall forgotten events in an unfamiliar and very strange reality. Whatever is happening, and whoever is responsible, with Contact we will better understand the situation and how to manage or prevent such interactions.

Injuries from close encounters will end with open Contact, since there will be no excuse for the apparently callous disregard for human well being in what is clearly an effort to make the ET presence more obvious.

Friday, July 14, 2017

A Solution to the Fermi Paradox Can Be Tested Now With a Simple Free Experiment

Edited 6 February 2021

For decades scientists and others have speculated about the 'Fermi Paradox': in a galaxy with billions of stars, and a Universe with billions of galaxies, where are the ETs? Why haven't we seen them...why haven't they contacted us?

The answer is simple, and easily tested. The real question for those speculating about ETs is NOT whether you believe the following explanation, but rather: Do you want to know if it's true? Can you say 'Yes' or 'No' to the question in the experiment below?

>The 'Hypothesis'

In a zoo hypothesis ('Prime Directive') variant, the first phase of Contact began when humans reached a particular technological level--nuclear weapons, and rockets which would soon travel in space. The ETs made their presence known, rather bluntly in some cases, to the governments of major nations--especially to the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. (Russia), and in particular with respect to nuclear weapons--and to millions of people around the world.

While nearly all 'UFO sightings' are nonsense, or easily explainable natural phenomena or human technology, there are many which clearly represent the presence of other advanced technological intelligences.

They haven't forced 'acknowledgement' of their presence--e.g., with a dramatic daylight appearance over major cities--because (except for a 'Final Warning', e.g., as in the original TDTESS) willfully forcing acknowledgement of an ET presence on a primitive civilization is a hostile and destructive act, and contrary to their metaphysical understandings.

Honoring their policy required many thousands of difficult and uncertain judgements as to when and how they might appear, based on the ability of our civilization to deny the blindingly obvious.

In the era of universal cell phone cameras, significant appearances before groups of humans are no longer possible, since such appearances would force acknowledgement.

They have a better understanding of our civilization than we do, and they know of the experiences of many other civilizations. Some of the ETs are quite capable of communicating in images and in our languages the story of Life of the Universe, and they're ready to begin the next phase of Contact as soon as one or more sovereign entities (nations) take responsibility for beginning the process.

Only a sovereign can take responsibility for initiating this process, because only a sovereign can take responsibility for the consequences. In the next phase of Contact, we will have access to enormous amounts of information from the ETs.

The ETs have honored their faith, and done their job by 'knocking on our door' tens of thousands of times. When humankind has the intelligence, wisdom, and courage to acknowledge this hypothesis, and test it by answering the knock on our door, asking 'Who are you, and what do you want?', then the ETs will respond, and Contact will begin.

>The Experiment

The first step is to openly ask, and invite open answers ('Yes' or 'No'!) from the SETI/METI scientists, and the astrobiologists at NASA, etc., to the question below.

The second step is to ask NASA (or an element of another nation's sovereign):

"Would you welcome an undeniable appearance, or even a brief open message (in optical Morse Code), from ETs who have long since 'found us', and are willing to begin the next phase of Contact?" [Optical Morse Code is essential for a short message because radio is too easily spoofed or jammed, and it cannot be known with certainty to have come from a clearly visible extraterrestrial spacecraft.]

The next phase of Contact will begin when one or more of the sovereigns of our world welcome it.

Some scientists might argue that we've already sent messages, on spacecraft and by radio, and no one replied. But why would they have replied? They know the messages were not intended for them--ETs who have long been here--and were sent by, or with the acquiescence of governments, elements of which knew with certainty of the ET presence--before NASA was created--and not only were lying about this, by omission or commission, but dreaded the possibility ETs would initiate Contact with humankind.

>Why should we do this 'experiment'?

It's a simple and obvious experiment which costs nothing and can be done right now. Isn't it a bit hypocritical to spend millions and billions of dollars searching for ETs we'll never have a useful conversation with--because they're bugs, or many light years away--and then to refuse to try an experiment that could begin a conversation with intelligent ETs who are already here?

There are 'good' reasons (?) for opposing Contact, and thus for answering the question with a 'No', or saying 'No' by ignoring or evading the question.

But, if scientists won't consider and/or NASA won't sanction this experiment, then they should understand that they--and we--are making a huge wager on the future of our civilization: that we're more likely to survive and prosper in the coming years and decades by ignoring the possibility, however slight it may seem, of learning of the experiences of other rapidly advancing pre-singularity civilizations--like ours in many ways. What happens to civilizations who refuse to learn from the 'Mistakes of the Past'?

There were other civilizations with their atomic scientists and their 'Doomsday Clocks'. Do you care enough about the future of our civilization to ask what became of them?

Thursday, July 13, 2017

About This Blog

[The email address for this blog is in the 'Complete Profile' link on the right side of the page.]

The primary purpose of this blog is to suggest a simple approach to initiating 'Contact' now with the ETIs interacting with the human race, and to argue that learning of the experiences of other rapidly evolving technological civilizations might be critical to the well being and even survival of our civilization. At a minimum, if the idea is discussed openly enough, it will end any pretense of a 'debate' over the reality of UFOs.

[Please note that 'ETI' is used in the popular sense to refer to the 'Others', in 'UFOs', interacting with our civilization--whoever they are, and 'wherever', or 'whenever' they come from.]

The secondary purpose is to suggest a simple 'open-source' science experiment which could end now the 'debate' over the reality of psychic phenomena; and to argue that a better understanding of the relationship between consciousness and 'reality' might also be critical to our well being, and perhaps even survival.

No attempt is made to present evidence to support the reality of UFOs and Psi, since the publicly available evidence already demonstrates beyond any doubt that these 'hypotheses' are correct. The two experiments are simply intended to demonstrate their reality in an open, public, undeniable way.

Anyone who doubts the correctness of the basic argument of this blog is invited to ask NASA--or your nation's space agency--about the simple experiment, which costs nothing and can be done now, as posed in 'A Real SETI...'.

No UFO skeptic can openly pose that (Real SETI) question, because the ensuing discussion will inevitably end the UFO 'debate', and then the coverup, forcing 'Acknowledgement', and eventually Contact; and that, in turn, will necessarily end the materialist delusion which is the basis of our civilization.

Of course, it will also end this era (of many millennia) of human civilization--for better, and for worse...

Are we more likely, as a civilization, to survive and prosper in the coming years and decades by ignoring the lessons which we might learn from the experiences of past civilizations?

Do you want to know what happened to all the 'others'?


 Older articles, in order from oldest to newest:

[Posting dates of older articles do not necessarily reflect the dates the articles were written, or originally posted.]

UFOs and the Psychic ET Pseudoscientists explains all the main ideas, and explains the approach to initiating Contact now. (If you're only interested in why it's important to initiate contact now, and how this can be accomplished, a later post explains it more briefly.)

While any significant interaction with an advanced civilization will necessarily end the simplistic notion of 'reductionist scientific materialism' and any debate over the reality of Psi, Simple Online Psi Experiment explains an experiment which could accomplish this now--before Contact.

Intentions and the 'Law of Attraction' suggests an approach for testing the notion that humans, subject to various other presently unknown factors, influence by their thoughts, intentions, beliefs, and expectations, etc., the physical reality they experience in their lives.

Spirituality & the Transhumanists points out a few parallels between the ideas of the Transhumanists, e.g., the idea that 'We'll upload our minds to computers, and live forever...', and on the other hand, the best intelligence available about the actual (spiritual) nature of our existence--from Near Death Experiences, et al. Before the Transhumanists march bravely (and ignorantly) into the Singularity, they might want to consider the ideas in this article; and indeed, this entire blog.

Reverse Engineering addresses the familiar idea in the UFO community that the U.S.G. has 'reverse-engineered' crashed flying saucers to create their own fleet of spaceships, with capabilities equivalent to the ET ships. [Summary: No, they haven't. And, no, they won't--ever.]

Truth and Freedom is for the CIA--and the Vatican--et al.

A Real SETI and Why It Matters is a briefer explanation of the UFO/Contact issues, for those who don't have the time or interest to consider the Psi issue. If you have any doubt that UFO/ETIs have been interacting with our civilization for decades, and that major governments are lying about this fact, then try asking a SETI scientist or your nation's space agency the question posed in this post. ('Speaking for your government, would you welcome a message...?')

Sample Message for 'Diplomatic' Contact is a message which could be used now to initiate the 'Diplomatic Contact' option mentioned in 'A Real SETI...'. Note: If you previously copied this blog for private distribution, please ensure that you have the updated version (December 2014) of this post.

No Nukes explains a deal we might make--after Contact with the ETIs--to remove all (or nearly all) nuclear weapons on this planet. Of course, some of the folks in the planetary genocide cult of 'National Security' experts won't like this very much.

'Vast Alien Consciousness' and Acknowledgment is for the handful of folks in the UFO community who either know a little (but not much) about reality and consciousness, who fear that Contact will empower some UFO-related beings (or 'powers and forces', etc.) from other 'realities' to harm us.

Would They Talk to Us? answers the question of whether one or more ETIs would respond to the 'Real SETI...' approach. [Summary: They will respond to any good-faith, open request by the U.N.--and even, in a limited way, to an open request from a single nation which provides plausible assurances as explained in 'A Real SETI...' and 'Sample Message...'.] [Updated July 2015.]

Watch the Big Triangles explains why large triangles are the most important UFOs for those interested in Contact.

Recent Books mentions a few recent books about UFOs which might be useful for readers of this blog.

Contact, Acknowledgment, and Disclosure briefly discusses these issues.

Contact and the Future Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4  discuss some of the consequences of Contact, and other inevitable changes coming in the next few decades. Spring 2016 update to CF4.

UFOs, and the Centre for the Study of Existential Risk This post was intended for the folks at CSER, who apparently have forgotten an old saying: 'Those who forget the mistakes of the past are condemned to repeat them.' It's nice that they care about the future of our civilization, but it would be nicer if they could openly discuss the 'Real SETI' question...and to try to understand the high-stakes wager they--and others speaking about 'existential risks'--are making.

If You're Interested in Contact, Read This Book: Triangular UFOs Or at least try to learn about the history of the big Triangles. These are the folks we want to talk to. What sort of folks--and what sort of civilization--would be interacting with our civilization as they have been for decades? And why?

How to End the UFO Debate, and Contact Extraterrestrials--Now  Mostly intended for the UFO community, this explains a simple question that can end any debate (about UFOs and the ET presence) with most 'skeptics'--especially scientists 'searching for ET'. And it explains how to begin Contact now, if NASA can answer a simple question with a 'Yes or No': "Would you welcome a brief message from, or at least an undeniable appearance by any ETs observing our world who are willing to begin Contact now?"

A Solution to the Fermi Paradox Can Be Tested Now With a Simple Free Experiment  A short article explains the 'hypothesis', and the experiment to test it. Do we want Contact now, or is our best hope for the future to 'ignore the mistakes of the past' civilizations? Can scientists 'searching for ETs' and those speculating about the Fermi Paradox openly discuss this question, and answer with a Yes or No?

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

How to End the UFO Debate, and Contact Extraterrestrials--Now

>How to End the UFO Debate Now

For decades the scientists at NASA, the SETI Institute, and around the world have been searching for extraterrestrial life in our solar system and beyond. And for decades UFO researchers have claimed that ETs have already found us, and that the U.S. Government, and governments of other major nations have known this since the 1940's.

The U.S.G. of course denies this, and nearly all scientists--especially those involved in the search for ETs--are skeptical and often scornful of the UFO researchers and their claims; and in recent years neither the U.S. Congress, mainstream news media, or the scientific community have seriously examined the overwhelming evidence supporting the UFO researchers' claims.

And so the debate continues--not 'face to face' as on the Larry King shows years ago--but in occasional MSM articles, blog posts, and comments.

While 'Ufology', by some accounts, is fading away into oblivion, 'scientific aliens'--with all the exoplanets and the SETI 'Breakthrough Initiative', etc.--are in the news every day--more than ever in the history of UFO research, with articles claiming or questioning the claim that 'we will find ET in ten years', 'twenty years', or 'never', or the ETs are AI, etc. And in brilliantly speculative articles the scientists, et al., explain what to expect when we do 'find ET'.

Every article, and every statement by these naive (?) but well intended 'alien hunters' presents an opportunity for the UFO Disclosure and Contact advocates to challenge the 'Great Taboo', and the mass denial and delusion of our civilization [Wendt and Duvall: Sovereignty and the UFO]--an opportunity to call their bluff.

The purpose of this article is to explain to the UFO community--as well as the UFO skeptics--that the UFO debate charade can be ended anytime by asking the skeptics--and then NASA (or another nation's space agency)--the following question:

"Would you welcome a demonstration of presence, and willingness to communicate: a very brief, but undeniable daylight appearance in front of multiple witnesses with cameras by ETs who are here observing our civilization?"

Specify the place, time of day, a range of dates, and specifics such as 'less than ten seconds' for the requested appearance. For example, an appearance over Cape Canaveral (with lots of visitors and their cameras), at noon, sometime in the next month or two.

If NASA says 'Yes', then the ETs will end the UFO debate with their appearance over the specified place--or conspicuously (if not 'undeniably') elsewhere.

What?! That's ridiculous and impossible--right?

It might seem 'ridiculous', but no scientist would say it's impossible. You don't have to 'believe' in UFOs to understand it's a plausible and easily testable explanation for the 'Fermi Paradox'.

It's a simple experiment that costs nothing and can be done right now. All the scientists and NASA have to do is say 'Yes'. So can NASA and the scientists can say 'Yes'?

The answers from the skeptics/scientists--and, critically, NASA--would be an enormously important statement of principle by our civilization. Do we really *want* to know if we're alone in the Universe?

Perhaps a few courageous folks would say "Let's try it", but most scientists and other skeptics, and even some 'Ufologists', in an effort to avoid answering the question, would offer short--or long and 'carefully reasoned'--responses explaining why it can't possibly work, in order to avoid saying 'Yes' or 'No'.

Wouldn't it be easier to just say 'Yes' or 'No'?

Surely the scientists and UFO skeptics can imagine the reaction from other scientists, governments, and news media around the world if they were to openly advocate initiating the second phase of Contact now. Not to mention the consequences of allowing the people of our world to learn the story of Life in the Universe...and what that story implies for the future of humankind.

A few scientists, et al., might openly say that Contact with an advanced spacefaring race would be devastating to our civilization, and that humans should not even be allowed to know that ETs are here--much less be permitted to talk to them--and that instead of searching for the truth, we should be hiding from it.

And that is exactly the policy of the U.S. Government, and the governments of the handful of nations on this planet whose leaders know the truth of the ET presence.

Here's the best recent lie about UFOs by the U.S.G. (at the behest of 'MAJIC' [whatever the U.S.G. UFO dis/information control group is called]):

Would NASA say 'Yes', and risk the possibility--or rather, as some know, the certainty--that humankind would learn the truth of the ET presence? U.S.G. policy has been (since before NASA was created) and still is to deny the presence of UFOs and ETs. NASA is part of the 'National Security State' of the U.S., and will not be permitted to sanction an experiment that will show that ETs are here, and have been here for a very long time. Unless, of course (in light of recent events) MAJIC has reassessed the situation, and has concluded that the time has come.

But NASA also can't say 'No', because then it will be obvious to everyone that if ETs are here--and they are--NASA sure doesn't want the human race to know.

If forced to answer the question, NASA will have to respond with a clever evasion to avoid saying 'No'. NASA and others claim to be searching other Life in the Universe--and they are--kind of, sort of--as they spend billions of dollars, whilst willfully or mindlessly denying the reality of the ET presence. Anyone can search for ETs in their refrigerator, under the bed, or in the skies, etc., but 'searching for ETs' does not mean you really want to find them--if you know they're already here.

Of course NASA could say we've already transmitted messages to the stars, and nobody responded. But why would any intelligent beings have responded? The ETs know that major governments are lying to their people, and that none of the messages were intended for them--the ETs who are already here. And so, in limited deference to our primitive systems of 'governance', the ETs have refrained from responding.

Or NASA could say "Diplomatic discussions are necessarily secret, and so any discussions with ETs must be secret." Translation: The people of our world do not have a 'need to know' of the ET presence; and much less have they any need to know of any discussions the most secretive elements of the U.S.G., et al., might have with them.

It's a stupid mistake (for MAJIC, et al.) to assume ETs willing to respond to a request to begin Contact will accord unlimited respect for, or deference to, the attitudes of the national security apparati of the major governments of our world. The history of their actions makes this absolutely clear. The 'secret diplomacy' argument is only useful if NASA (MAJIC) is desperately trying to avoid saying 'Yes' or 'No'.

A prominent SETI/METI scientist was recently quoted as saying: “It may be that signaling of our intention to make contact is what’s really required to trigger a response...” And, "...the most critical reason to add Active SETI [sending messages] to our search strategy is that this may be the strategy that lets us make contact...". No kidding. You don't need a million or a hundred million dollars. You--and NASA--just have to say 'Yes'.

An astrobiologist was recently quoted as saying (*NOT* with respect to UFOs) that "...NASA has been shameful in not searching for extraterrestrial life and at the same time claiming that’s one of the motivations for their programmes...". What an extraordinary understatement...

Most people will understand that if NASA can't say 'Yes', then they've said 'No'.

If forced to answer the question, NASA's response will end the 'UFO debate' delusion.

Ufologists: UFOs are real. ETs are visiting our world.
NASA/skeptics: There's no evidence. Show us the proof.
Ufologists: Do you want proof--right now?
NASA/skeptics: No, we don't want proof, because there are no ETs visiting our world! And NO--we don't want to talk to them, because they're not here, because we said so.

>The ETs

In a zoo hypothesis ('Prime Directive') variant, the ETs have been here for many decades (millenia?), and have made their presence known (rather bluntly in some cases) to the governments of major nations--especially to the U.S. and the Soviet Union (Russia), and in particular with respect to nuclear weapons--and to millions of people around the world. They have a better understanding of our civilization than we do, and they know of the experiences of many other civilizations. They've monitored our world on a daily basis for decades, and are willing to begin the next phase of Contact as soon as one or more sovereign entities (nations) take responsibility for beginning the process. They are quite capable of communicating in images and in our languages the story of life of the Universe. The first phase of Contact began decades ago when our civilization reached a particular technological level.

They haven't forced 'acknowledgement' of their presence--e.g., with a dramatic daylight appearance over major cities--because (except for a 'Final Warning', e.g., as in the original TDTESS), willfully forcing acknowledgement of an ET presence on a primitive civilization is a hostile and destructive act, and contrary to their metaphysical understandings ('beliefs').

Honoring this policy required many thousands of difficult and uncertain judgements as to when and how they might appear, based on their assessment of our 'collective consciousness', and the intentions and capability of the major institutions of our world--the governments, scientists, the news media--to perpetuate the ignorance of the human race; and of course, their assessment of the ability of humans to deny the blindingly obvious. Were there some mistakes--'well intended', or not--intelligence and assessment failures, etc., or perhaps by a few with a different agenda? Perhaps...

In the era of universal cell phone cameras, significant appearances before groups of humans are no longer possible or permitted, since such appearances would force acknowledgement.

The ETs have honored their faith, and done their job by 'knocking on our door' tens of thousands of times.

>The UFO Researchers

And the UFO researchers have done their job, by collecting and publishing a wealth of information on the UFO/ET presence. Much (most?) of the information on UFOs is nonsense, in large part because of the denials and brilliant disinformation operations of U.S.G. elements, abetted by the scientists and news media (with very few exceptions), and the consequences of what one Disclosure advocate has called the 'intellectual ghettoization of the phenomenon'. Only those willing to take the time to study the research, and learn to assess the reliability of various claims can understand much about ET presence. (Except, of course, for those who've had an experience, and 'know what they saw'.)

While opinions differ as to the underlying nature of UFO phenomenon, no competent rational person who has studied the evidence is a skeptic. And if any honest 'skeptic' believes they are familiar with the evidence, then try answering the question with a 'Yes' or 'No'.

Some UFO researchers would say that the UFO reality is a lot more complicated than just ETs in UFOs--there are 'mental effects', 'other realities', and 'high strangeness', etc. Good point, but so what? In a Universe full of 'strange' beings and realities, there are some who understand us, and can communicate what they know in images and our languages.

>Ignoring the mistakes of the past

These ETs have knocked on our front door many thousands of times, and we've chosen to ignore them. Do they have something important--maybe really, really important--to tell us? Can even *one* single well-known scientist on this planet openly say "Yes, let's find out if they're here and willing to talk to us..."?

Not even MAJIC knows the history of civilizations like ours. Do most manage to survive the era of nuclear weapons, the utter dependence for their survival on vulnerable technologies [e.g., internet/grid vs. solar/nuclear pulse, and cyberattack], the increasingly rapid destruction of their living planet, etc., etc., and then manage to survive the 'AI Singularity'? Some? Almost none? Or maybe absolutely none?

Could it be that the only ones who survive are those who are curious and courageous enough to try to learn from the experiences of other civilizations? MAJIC's view--quite 'reasonably' in one sense--is that if the cost of getting the intel is sharing it with the world, then any potential benefits are not worth the consequences of permitting our civilization to learn the story of Life in the Universe.

MAJIC knows that Contact will be the "end of life as we've known it" since the beginning of human history, because it will be the end of the philosophical (metaphysical?) concept of 'materialism'. But MAJIC also knows that even if our civilization (in the U.S., et al.) survives for the next one or two decades, that AI will likewise be the "end of life as we've known it"... And they understand that failing to learn from 'the mistakes of the past (civilizations)' could be the 'Final Intelligence Failure' for the U.S. and our civilization...

Or do they?

For U.S.G./MAJIC, and the scientists and all the others who wonder and speak and say they care about the possible futures of our civilization: Should we bet the future of our civilization on the notion that "Ignorance is Strength"? Should we ignore any possibility, however slight you might believe it to be, of learning from the experiences of other civilizations?

That is exactly the wager, by omission or commission, that humankind is making right now. Only the ETs, with their knowledge of the experiences of other civilizations know whether 'Contact' or 'Willful Ignorance' is likely to be the 'best hope' for the future of humankind. And so perhaps we might preface the question/message above with "If you assess, based on your knowledge of the experiences with other civilizations, etc., that we will in hindsight come to understand that the 'best hope' for the survival and future well being of our civilization was Contact now, then please let us know..."

>Some folks to ask about this...

While the Larry King UFO shows from years ago would be the ideal forum (one last show LK?), the general idea could be used by any curious reporter, or in any encounter between 'UFO Disclosure' advocates and skeptics and/or the media. Or by any large 'UFO research' group, e.g., MUFON. Or by the Paradigm Research Group...

Or any UFO conference: invite the ETs to make a carefully specified appearance, and then invite NASA to sanction it. NASA of course, would be displeased.

Or by UFODATA: you don't need a vast array of 'detectors'. You only need one, and a sanction from NASA. Issue your own invitation, and ask NASA if they would welcome a response.

Or try asking Douglas Vakoch and the folks at You say you want to know if we're 'alone in the Universe', and you want to send messages to ETs. If you, NASA, and the scientists of our world *really* want to know, and to send messages to ETs, then why not try the experiment?

Or ask the Breakthrough Initiatives folks: "The Breakthrough Initiatives are a program of scientific and technological exploration, probing the big questions of Life in the Universe: Are we alone? Are there habitable worlds in our galactic neighborhood? Can we make the great leap to the stars? And can we think and act *together* – as one world in the cosmos?" If you won't try this experiment, then you've got to be kidding.

Or ask the world's most famous SETI scientist and the world's most famous UFO skeptic: Seth Shostak. In the past he's said he would like to know if UFOs are real, and ETs are here. This is the perfect experiment for the SETI Institute... You could specify Hat Creek, at noon, as the time and place. After NASA welcomes an appearance, all you have to do is look out the window at noon every day for the next couple months, and when a flying saucer or triangle shows up over the Allen Telescope Array, take a picture [or perhaps a video to record an optical Morse Code message] with your cellphone and post it to the SETI website, then go back to work. Maybe you'll win a Nobel Prize. SETI has inspired millions of people around the world for decades--but if you won't try the experiment, Mr. Shostak, could you at least try to be a little less dismissive of UFO research?

Or, better yet, try asking the Science, Space, and Technology Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives. The scientists who have testified before your Committee about the possibility of finding other Life in the Universe obviously want money for their projects--billions of dollars to do fascinating and inspiring science, and 'searching for ETs', etc. They didn't lie to your Committee; but they sure didn't tell you the truth...whatever their reason(s). Why not invite them, including a NASA representative, back for another open hearing, and ask them the question?

Or ask The Centre for Study of Existential Risk at Cambridge. "Can we prevent the end of the World?" Good question--but why aren't we trying to try talk to some folks who can tell us about the likely answer?

Or ask the Future of Life Institute. Quite apart from all the other risks, how much do the signers of the AI petition know about the history of AI in the Universe? Do civilizations like ours *ever* survive the creation of 'superintelligent' AI--coming sooner than most folks seem to understand?

Or ask Stephen Hawking, the world's most famous scientist.

Or ask Barack Obama...or Donald Trump. Or Hillary Clinton :) Etc.

>And Finally

For the 'catastrophic and existential risks' folks, and all those who say they care about the future of our world: Humankind is not the first civilization to consider this question. It will not be the last. How many other civilizations have made the choice you're making? What became of them? Do you want to bet the future of human race on your faith in ignorance? By omission or commission, 'for better and for worse', and whether you know it or not, this is exactly the wager you are making--and we are making--right now.

Don't believe it? Then try the experiment...

Friday, January 9, 2015

If You're Interested in Contact, Read This Book: Triangular UFOs

Triangular UFOs: An Estimate of the Situation. By David Marler. Richard Dolan Press, 2013.

This is an excellent book representing many years of careful research covering decades of sightings of the large triangular UFOs--the most important type of UFO with respect to the possibility of Contact. After presenting the research, the author establishes a profile of characteristics of appearance and behavior seen in many if not nearly all sightings. Finally, he provides evidence and analysis which clearly demonstrate that the large triangles are not human technology.

If you really want to understand what these other intelligences are doing, and want to have the knowledge to speculate intelligently about why they are doing what they are doing, then this may be the most important UFO book you could read now. While the author might not agree, that data make clear that one element of the ET collective has planned, prepared, and conducted thousands--perhaps tens of thousands--of flight operations around the world, year after year, over decades, in ships configured and operated in a way to make their presence conspicuously known to (usually) small groups of people.

[See an earlier post on this blog: Watch the Big Triangles which predates the publication of this book.]

These carefully controlled appearances show how well they know our civilization, and demonstrate a long term commitment to making their presence known to the people of the U.S. and other nations, in defiance of the policy of coverup and denial by major governments, and the ridicule and dismissal by most of the scientists and news media of the world. And yet, in limited deference to our governments' wishes, they have refrained from more dramatic appearances which would force the governments to openly acknowledge their presence.

After reading the book, or at least looking at the reviews and trying to understand the implications--if you want to learn more about the triangles--spend a few minutes on the Internet to learn about the Phoenix (1997) (it's not about the 'lights'!) and Stephenville (2008) (including the radar analysis) cases, which were not included in this book because they have been so extensively documented by other researchers. It is truly remarkable that David Marler's historical research and analysis have predicted the sort of behavior that would be seen in these later sightings. And so, the ETIs responsible for these two cases have, in effect, provided the most important recommendation of this book.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

UFOs, and the Centre for the Study of Existential Risk

'Those who do not learn from the mistakes of the past are condemned to repeat them.'

The creation of the Centre for the Study of Existential Risk at Cambridge, one of the world's leading academic institutions, is certainly good news for those concerned about the dangers of Artificial Intelligence and the Singularity, and other grave threats to human civilization.

On the other hand...

>Ignorance: A High Stakes Wager

Would you bet the future of the human race on the notion that we're more likely to survive and prosper in the coming years and decades by ignoring any possibility--however slight--of learning of the experiences of other civilizations which long ago experienced the 'Singularity'?

This is exactly the wager humankind has been making for decades, and which the Centre presumably will endorse.

>The Hypothesis

One explanation for the Fermi Paradox and the UFO phenomenon is that ETs from advanced civilizations have been knocking on our door for decades. They not only understand our civilization better than we do, but they also know of the experiences of countless other rapidly evolving technological civilizations, and they know that Contact is always an enormously difficult experience, and a disaster if unwanted.

And so they haven't forced this issue, but rather have deferred, in a limited way, to the wishes of the governments, which, however imperfectly, represent the wishes of the people. The ETs have long been ready to initiate Contact when one or more nations, or perhaps the U.N. accepts responsibility for beginning the process.

This hypothesis might seem wildly improbable, but it's certainly not impossible. And an experiment to test it costs nothing, and can be done now.

>The Experiment

All that's necessary is for CSER to ask the UK Space Agency (UKSA), or perhaps the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (UKFCO), if the UK Government would welcome a simple message from any ETs who are willing to talk to us about the experiences of other civilizations like ours.

Of course, almost any group, in almost any nation, could pose a similar question to their government, and solicit an open response.

A simple way to begin the conversation, by demonstrating that the ETs are monitoring our communications, and understand our language, would be a very brief but conspicuous appearance at a specified location, on a specified date and time. If any ETs responded, then the government and people of the UK (et al.) could begin to discuss when and how they wish to begin the Contact process in earnest.

For example, would the UK Government welcome such an appearance, at noon on February 1st, 2013, over Cambridge? [March 1st? April 1st? Ever?]

A simple response to this question from a UK Government spokesperson--"Yes, of course we would welcome such an appearance."--broadcast on BBC, would make it clear that the UK is ready to begin the Contact process.

Of course, CSER, a UK Government spokesperson, or anyone else could ridicule the question, and dismiss it. But wouldn't it be simpler to say 'Yes' or 'No', and explain why?

Do we want to know--or not?

>Contact: Another High Stakes Wager

Most folks would agree that any extensive Contact, whatever the benefits, would be enormously difficult and disruptive for our civilization--perhaps even in some sense, 'the end of life as we know it'.

But the only people who might actually know much about such matters are the very folks humankind so fears speaking to, and learning from--the ETs.

So perhaps we could ask the 'hypothetical' ETs: If you have something to say to us, that years or decades from now, you believe we are likely to deeply regret not having learned now, then will you speak to us now?

What the governments of major nations, the scientists of our world, and those who say they are concerned about the dangers of the Singularity (etc.), perhaps do not understand--and in any case are apparently not willing to openly acknowledge and discuss--is that the only choice we have in this matter is which wager we will make: to try to learn of the mistakes of the past, or to ignore any possibility of trying to learn from them.

For now, at least, the governments of the US, the UK, et al., and the scientists of our world--including those at CSER--have, by their silence, denials, and ridicule of UFOs, in effect assured their citizens that there's no reason to be concerned enough about our future to take the drastic step of trying to learn of the mistakes of past civilizations like ours.

Perhaps we should take comfort from the consensus of great minds, and the leaders of great nations.

On the other hand, perhaps the folks at CSER, and perhaps even a few government officials in the UK, et al., will spare a thought for those, perhaps long ago and far away--or those perhaps much nearer in space and in time--who have made--or who will have made--the same choice.

[For those interested in a longer discussion of this issue, please see: A Real SETI and Why It Matters]

Friday, July 13, 2012

Contact and the Future, Part 4

[More speculation about Contact & the Future, assuming ETs provide substantial access to their knowledge...]

>Arms Race

Contact will ignite an arms race, as militarists in major nations desperately seek to create their own 'flying saucers', etc., to achieve military 'supremacy' to 'defend' their nations. Despite its advantages, the U.S., in one way or another, in time, may 'lose' this race, just as badly as the eventual 'winners', e.g., China. Given the increasing dependencies, vulnerabilities, and other threats, and the enormous expenses which will likely be necessary to deal with these issues, no nation can afford to squander vast sums on military expenditures. Moreover, not even absolute 'air supremacy' is enough to ensure the survival of a nation or civilization.


Important new alternative energy sources are almost inevitable in the near future. If the ETs make available something akin to LENR (Low Energy Nuclear Reaction) devices, or something even more exotic, then a massive transition will occur over the next few decades. The transition could, and certainly will be managed by some corporations and energy exporting nations in various ways to sustain their wealth and power; some will understand this, and act accordingly, and those who don't will have serious problems. In particular, energy exporting countries will need to maximize their profits in the remaining years of the fossil fuel era, invest their current wealth in creating a self-sustaining infrastructure (with a significant cybernetic/robotic element), and manage a very significant redistribution to their citizens of the resulting income.

A dramatic transformation from materialist medicine to consciousness based medicine is inevitable. Doctors, nurses, and others who interact with patients will be 'retrained' to understand that their attitudes, beliefs, and intentions can and do have enormous consequences for their patients. Many medical offices and facilities will include healers of various kinds. The gradual replacement of human surgeons, etc., by cybernetics (robotics) has already begun. While the exact mix is difficult to foresee, the future of medicine is a radically new combination of healers, cybernetics, and robotics.

Procedures similar to EFT (Gary Craig's Emotional Freedom Technique) and other 'tapping' methods, etc., will be used by nearly all primary care health workers. These procedures or techniques serve the enormously important purpose of 'ritualizing'--emphasizing and focusing on--deliberate positive intentions, and will be widely used as a supplement to, and in some cases a replacement for technological medicine. Elements of big pharma and other corporate health care service entities which may suffer losses from the decline in dependence on materialist medicine could compensate for these losses by beginning now to do the research to establish the most effective intention-enhancing 'rituals', and could profit by providing education, training (to supplement traditional medical training), and services.

The validation of the reality of, and our ability to interact with other realms of consciousness and existence--an inevitable result of any extensive contact with ETs--while of interest or practical relevance to only a small minority of humans, will nonetheless lead to new respect for, and a significant increase in 'business' for shamans, and others who specialize in such matters.

While it's long been foreseen that dramatic advances in the capabilities of cybernetic virtual reality systems will be widely used for entertainment, and other more practical purposes (e.g., healing, education, etc.), what was not foreseen is that the evolution of these systems, and their uses, will be guided by the dramatic new understanding of consciousness and reality.

'Philosophy' will be largely replaced by metaphysical knowledge.

Bad news for many kids who dream of becoming scientists and engineers, or young adults who look forward to a long and fulfilling career in these fields, since, except for a few, they won't be able to compete with the cybernetics.

Most factory workers will be replaced by cybernetics and robotics--even in the nations with the lowest labor costs. Developing nations will never experience what the U.S. experienced--decades of a thriving middle class based in large part on unionized factory jobs. In other words, virtually all of the wealth or profit from manufacturing will accrue to the corporations, mostly to the handful of owners and corporate executives. It's important that the governments of China, et al., understand this, and begin to plan, however 'socialistic' it may seem, for systems to redistribute this wealth. In the U.S., of course, any efforts to begin this process may be doomed by the opposition from 'conservatives'; and the social consequences could be devastating.

Good news for lawyers, since vast amounts of money will be changing hands, and the lawyers will get their cut. And--coming soon--a whole Universe of ETs who can be sued. Who wants to be the first lawyer to file a class action lawsuit in Federal Court: Humans v. Universe? And good news for comedians who can find something humorous about almost any situation.

Bad news for the NSE (U.S.G. National Security Establishment). It may turn out that, in some sense, their decisions have--in the worst case, fatally--screwed the United States of America, and perhaps most of the human race. On the other hand, the decisions made by the NSE will likely be accepted as reasonable by most Americans, despite the consequences. As bad as our prospects may seem to be, the NSE and the civilian leadership of the U.S. could manage this, but only with a sobriety, rationality, and wisdom hitherto lacking in their words and deeds. Our system of government, and the institution of the NSE has, in some sense, failed horribly. Secrecy can be 'life'--but only for a while, and only at great cost. See President Eisenhower's Farewell Address, et al.

>New Age Movements

It is certain that there will arise one or more new 'spiritual' 'movements'--a few old folks, but mostly young folks. See "A.D." {Recent Books} for a speculation of this prospect. When they understand that all of the institutions on Earth failed and/or lied to them, and none can now be trusted, and the whole foundation of our most basic understanding of the nature of our existence was 'not exactly true' [See: 'When the Truth is Found to Be Lies...'], then they will look for--and they will quickly find 'new' truths--the spiritual understandings of all advanced civilizations--and they will set about creating a new world. It's possible that humankind will 'split' into two groups--those who will come to understand important spiritual truths, and by their faith, create something like a 'new world', perhaps here, or perhaps even on a colony world; and those who won't--and the latter, in some sense--for better or for worse for them--will be 'left behind'.

Whether or not most of the human race will survive over the coming decades, it's certain that this is the end of our 'childhood', or as some might say, the fulfillment of the 'Mayan Prophecy', which apparently does not foretell an 'apocalypse', but is certainly a suggestion that the end of an era of many millennia is coming--soon.

>'The Greatest Nation on Earth'
>'American Exceptionalism'

For various reasons, Contact will be more difficult, initially at least, for the U.S. than for any nation. Suddenly, the greatest nation on Earth is just--well--the greatest nation on a "Pale Blue Dot", and of rather little consequence in the vast cosmic scheme of things. [See Youtube for Carl Sagan, "Pale Blue Dot". Of course, he missed the part about " hint...". Too bad he's not here to see this unfold, but then--maybe he is, in some sense :) ]

Despite our greatness, for over six decades--since long before most Americans were born--our government lied about one of the most fundamental facts of our existence; and in some ways, the philosophical basis of our entire civilization--reductionist materialism--was a delusion, and a lie.

Obviously Contact is a global issue, and only the United Nations can speak for the nations of the Earth. But if the U.S. can't or won't lead the world--by taking a major role in initiating at least Acknowledgment, if not Contact, and managing the consequences--then, who, if anyone, will?

Whether or not President Obama starts this process now (as of this writing, July 2012), the next President will certainly have to deal with the consequences--one way or another. If no one in the news media asks the Presidential candidates the important questions about how they will deal with Disclosure and Contact, then the news media are idiots--or worse--and in some sense they will have betrayed the future of this nation. If America is still a great nation, then the American people--before they speak--will learn as much as they can of what is already, and may soon come to be known, listen to what the two candidates have to say, and in accordance with their faiths and beliefs, but most of all, listening to their hearts, choose whoever they believe can best deal with the enormous challenges of Contact and the Future.

> Update Spring 2016

Fast forward to June 2016, in a very interesting Presidential Primary campaign. Four years ago the American people made their choice, but for better or worse, the political system has degenerated further into a bitter and dysfunctional state. Obviously it will be very difficult at present for the U.S. to deal with Contact, but if UFOs become a campaign issue as a result of comments by John Podesta and Hillary Clinton, et al., and Acknowledgement--without significant Disclosure--is forced by serious MSM attention, then the situation will be worse for the U.S. than with first Contact before Acknowledgement and Disclosure.

If MAJIC doesn't take responsibility for this situation with a subtle but sufficient action to encourage MSM attention, and the MSM don't make this an election issue well in advance of the final months of the campaign, then once again the American people will have been deprived of critical information necessary to choose the next President; and MAJIC, humankind, and the ETs will have to deal with the next President--whoever that might be. And MAJIC: Please don't let this be an 'October Surprise'.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Contact and the Future, Part 3

[More speculation about Contact & the Future, assuming ETs provide substantial access to their knowledge...]


Why are the ETs concerned about nuclear weapons? Since they clearly have the ability to end the U.S., and while they might suffer some loss and might be irritated, but are not seriously threatened by our weapons, what are their intentions?

First, they did not interfere with the use of nuclear weapons in WWII, because in that phase of nuclear warfare, the nuclear weapons were as a practical matter simply a quicker means of doing what the U.S. was already doing--except for the radiation effects--with B-29s, napalm, and HE (high explosives)--the standard firebombing attacks on military and civilian targets. The huge arsenals nations now possess are fundamentally different in nature, and in no sense a substitute for conventional weapons.

Would the ETs intervene in a major exchange between the U.S. and Russia (formerly U.S.S.R.)? Presumably this has been thoroughly discussed in highly classified analyses by the nuclear war planners in nations with large arsenals.

Humans do not have the knowledge or analytical ability to accurately model the global effects of large exchanges. (And they don't really care what happens to the rest of the human race in such a situation). If an attack on a primitive planetary civilization is forbidden ('illegal'), then from the ETs' perspective, the U.S. and Russia, et al., might be welcome to commit suicide, but not be permitted to cause the inevitable collateral damage to other nations, much less be permitted to destroy the human race. If the ETs acted, would they stop the exchange, and if not, would they somehow limit the consequences to the suicide of the participants?


The main concern in the U.S. is what the new metaphysical understandings might mean for Christianity. The certain result is, generally, 1) the beginning of the end of theological 'Christianity', and the notion 'divine authority' for the Vatican, etc., and 2) the beginning of a 'new' (or 'old'?) religion based on some variation and/or elaboration of the Jesus teachings. Whatever the accuracy of Biblical accounts of particular claimed events and statements, it's likely to be seen that the simple teachings were a simple expression of a radically new, and perhaps unique (?) approach to life, which is based on the notion that if you can create, or at least powerfully influence, your own reality, and you know that in some deeper sense you are immortal (though not in this physical form), then you can give up the fear and hatred, the violence and killing; and just live your life, and love.

Initially of course, whatever is learned, there will likely be an increase in church attendance, as many Christians seek solace and comfort in the only remaining institution on Earth which they (will initially) believe didn't lie to them. Over time, many, or perhaps most Christians will continue to go to churches, in many cases with different 'services', and continue to celebrate Christmas and Easter, etc., but with a new, and perhaps equally or more inspired understanding of the Jesus story. A few may come to believe the main significance of Contact--the new, or affirmation of the 'old' metaphysical understanding that 'faith' can dramatically influence the reality we experience--as the fulfillment of an ancient prophecy (Truth and Freedom).

Presumably other religions will likewise celebrate religious traditions, with their respective new understandings. Only an expert in the beliefs of the followers of various religions could provide a comprehensive comparison and contrasting of those beliefs with whatever metaphysical understandings the ETs might convey.

>U.S. Politics

Contact will begin the greatest, and most bitter and divisive debates since the Civil War era, or perhaps ever in our history. Whatever is learned from the ETs, it will difficult for 'progressives' and 'liberals', but far more difficult for 'conservatives'. The social consequences of the inevitable dramatic changes in the coming decades--whatever the outcome of Contact--can only be managed by enormous government interventions, and conservatives obviously will oppose these.

It's possible that an irrational and destructive coalition of folks will arise, united by a shared resentment, anger, and hatred for ETs and the U.S. government, and especially in response to what the ETs and U.S.G. might tell us. If even a small minority of politicians and political commentators align themselves with this coalition, and especially if one or more major news organizations begin to 'fan the flames', then the Contact process in the U.S. will be doomed, and other nations will take the lead. This would be a devastating, if not fatal blow to the future of the U.S.

For the NSE (National Security Establishment), after decades of manipulating the U.S. media, and running psyops on the American people, this will be their greatest challenge, and perhaps their 'finest (?) hour'. Or perhaps their 'final hour'.

>They Should Stop Violating Our Airspace!


Before demanding they stop 'violating' 'our' airspace, it would be useful for the human race to understand why they're here.

And, it should be noted that for over six decades (or, since the dawn of civilization) they have been 'violating' 'our' airspace, and yet life on Earth goes on. Well--so far, at least.

>They Should Respect Our Laws!


Why would an intelligent life form respect our laws unless we can explain them? It's pointless to try to 'justify' or 'defend' human laws (or any other aspect of our civilization) to an intelligent life form, unless we can provide a comprehensive rational explanation of how our laws arise from an understanding and analysis of the logical implications of verifiable 'first principles'. For example, try explaining a moral, ethical, or practical basis for the provisions of U.S.C. Title 26.

>Why Should We Trust Them?

Why shouldn't we?

One of the most socially (and politically) difficult aspects of Disclosure in the U.S. will be the loss of trust in major institutions of our civilization--Presidents, Congresses, the institution of science, religions (primarily Christianity in the U.S.), and the news media.

Even if we can't trust any of the major institutions on this planet, why should we trust the ETs?

The simple answer is that for most people, the concept of 'trust' or 'truth' is totally subjective, and so people will trust or not trust the ETs for the same reasons they 'trust' anyone or anything in life.

A fuller explanation is beyond the scope of this blog, and is unlikely to serve any useful purpose.

Part 4

Contact and the Future, Part 2

[More speculation about Contact & the Future, assuming ETs provide substantial access to their knowledge...]

>What Are They Like?

ETs, some of whom may appear to be biologically similar to humans, have a much better understanding of consciousness and reality. Their ships may be highly evolved consciousnesses, and the ETs' interaction with their ships will likely be based on a mutual understanding of consciousness and reality. It's quite possible that children raised on this world, and taught from birth the basic metaphysical truths, would in some sense be like some of the 'ETs'--without their cultural knowledge of course--but fundamentally different than most of the rest of the 'humans' on our world.

The ultimate relationship between 'biological' and 'cybernetic' intelligences is difficult to foresee. One possibility is that 'technological', i.e., constructed artificial intelligence collectives which achieve replicance--in contrast to 'biological' replicants which might eventually evolve (or be helped to evolve) to achieve some level of 'intelligence'--would be assimilated into a larger ET collective, or if they became problematic, would be terminated.

The larger issue is, in a more general sense, the relationship between 'spiritual' beings existing in 'physical' form, and the constructs of their consciousnesses, i.e., 'technology'; or even more generally, the hierarchy of the constructs of consciousness and intention (see Precedent Causes, below). And--can a 'technological' (cybernetic) intelligence be constructed which, by its 'thoughts' and 'intentions', etc., directly influence reality?

>The History of Our World, Our Race, and the Universe

Perhaps ETs created our world, our major religions, and perhaps they created our race or were involved in some way. It's likely that they interacted in significant ways with ancient civilizations. While some have argued our civilization is a farm, or garden, or a zoo, it's more likely we are in some sense the 'children' of one or more ET races, and perhaps at the same time an experiment of sorts in nurturing evolving races and civilizations, presumably in conjunction with, and at the behest of some common spiritual collective.  Perhaps some of them, honoring what they believe to be an 'imperative' of the Creation, create worlds as homes and schools for souls; and thus they would wish us the best, and with enormous patience, hope that some day we will 'grow up', and join with them in their efforts--to ensure '...that life in the Creation will endure, and flourish'.

>Precedent Causes

Who or what is 'God'? One of the most obvious questions a 'scientist' might ask God is: Who created You? Precedent Causes are obviously of extreme interest for the ETs who are still curious; and of course ETs might in principle be aware of umpteen levels of reality and consciousness 'beyond' ours. Since these are likely incomprehensible and unverifiable from our perspective, they might be interesting, but largely irrelevant to us at present.

>'Alien Abductions'

See the 6th and 7th paragraphs of the original article on this blog (UFOs...).

The realm of alien abduction research is a morass of confusing and contradictory claims and beliefs, horribly muddled by the widespread use of 'hypnotic regression'.

While some researchers believe the 'alien agenda' is to create a hybrid race, many of the interactions suggest the alleged 'abductors' are more interested in our consciousnesses, and experiencing our emotions, rather than genetic material. Of course it may be that in other realms of existence, consciousness is 'genetic material'.

Whatever the 'reality' of these beings, and whatever their relationships, if any, to the advanced technological intelligences, it's important to us (and presumably thus to the ETs) that some explanation of this situation be included in the initial contact communication.

>Men In Black

While elements of the NSE (U.S.G. National Security Establishment) have obviously harassed and threatened, etc., UFO witnesses and researchers, another non-human class of beings have also apparently attempted to silence UFO witnesses. If the non-human MIB activities were actually intended to suppress knowledge of the ET presence (rather than to emphasize its reality), then obviously MIB-class beings will be opposed to contact.  It may be that some beings from other realms, who have long interacted with humans, fear and dread that, as a result of contact, humans will come to understand them, and learn to deal with them--perhaps to their great detriment.

>The U.S. Military Can Protect Us from the ETs

No, they can't.

>REG Research and Development

The science of REG design (Random Event Generators)--i.e., psi sensors--is very primitive, and will evolve dramatically over the years. Psi sensors (or whatever clever name will evolve for such devices) will eventually be included in many cybernetic devices, and will be used in devices and web pages, etc., to register the state of mind of the user, and/or viewers' responses to content. (For a primitive version of the concept, see ...Psi Experiment). Some folks will make huge amounts of money from this technology and its applications. Similarly, something like the 'LOA Trainer' concept Intentions... may have an important role in educating people, and likewise make some folks lots of money.

>The Burden of Roswell--The Folly of Reverse Engineering

See Reverse Engineering.

>Why Would They Have 'Shot Down' Military Aircraft?

Did President Truman, or some high-ranking military commander, issue an order to "Shoot Them Down"? Did the ETs, in some cases, destroy U.S. and perhaps Soviet aircraft which attacked them?

Given the record of truthfulness of the U.S. Air Force in this matter, we'll never know for sure what the U.S.A.F. did, or what the ETs did, unless the ETs tell us.

The initial phase of contact can be a very difficult process, especially when dealing with violent and irrational primitives armed with weapons of mass destruction. The ETs made it clear--dramatically in the summer of 1952 (if not before), and many times since--that they're here to do something they consider important, and that they have something important to tell us. The U.S. alone, among the nations of the world could have taken the lead in Contact, but chose not to. Indeed, the U.S.G. went to considerable lengths to keep its citizens from understanding the situation. It's impossible to offer tentative explanations of particular events until the exact details are publicly known, but in general, it's important to ensure that the primitives understand what the ETs are capable of doing--and may be willing to do--before the primitives attempt to use nuclear armed suicide pilots, etc., over their own countries, in a deranged attempt to 'defeat' the ETs.

Part 3

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Contact and the Future, Part 1

[The following assumes knowledge of previous articles (occasionally cited).]
It's easy to speculate about Contact and the future, and lots of folks have. However incorrect it turns out to be in hindsight, it can still be useful in promoting thought and discussion of 'knowns, known unknowns, and unknown unknowns'.

There several critical decisions for the ETs regarding how to proceed with contact.

1) Should they provide a summary of information, and offer to provide more details on request; or a large package of information--enough to convey as much as possible of the information they consider critical, but small enough to be made available on the Internet?

2) Should they (initially) include information about religions of other civilizations similar to ours; and their (ETs') knowledge of metaphysics?

3) Should they (initially) provide information on science and technology, especially energy technology?

4) Should they (initially) tell us the whole story of their role in our history?

Without their knowledge--especially of past Contact experiences--we can't know what choices they would make.

What would we learn if they provided access to most of what they know? Most, if not all of the following is known by various people, and presumably already known by elements of all major governments.

>Critical Failure Modes

Existing critical vulnerabilities and risks (e.g., large nuclear arsenals, the vulnerability of the cybernetic and electrical grids to solar EMP and hacking; pandemics, etc.) will increase dramatically with the rapid evolution of genetic engineering, synthetic life, nanotechnology, and Artificial Intelligence, etc., and increases in drug resistant microbes, massive species extermination (extinction), Global Warming, and the continuing environmental degradation of the Earth, etc.

>The End of Life As We Have Known It For A Very Long Time

In the 'worst' case, from the ETs' perspective, while not 'technically' inevitable, as a practical matter--due to our attitudes, political realities, rapidly evolving technologies, technological and environmental vulnerabilities, etc.--a major collapse and even depopulation in the next few decades of some or perhaps many technologically advanced as well as developing nations may be likely.

Absent such a collapse, in many critical respects, life as we've known it for millennia is coming to an end anyhow--as a result of the rapidly evolving technologies mentioned above.

>Consciousness, Reality, and Spirituality

Contact will begin a revolution in the science of metaphysics--the study of consciousness, reality, and spirituality, and human health and well being. Necessarily, this will end the theology of reductionist materialism; and will be the beginning of a slow end for elaborate 'divine-authority' religious theologies, except as cultural traditions and refuges for a few 'true believers'.

Probably the best single page summary on the Internet, from a 'spiritual' perspective, of what we might learn about the nature of our existence is "Rational Spirituality" by Ian Lawton. [No longer available.]

'Psychic phenomena' are absolutely real, but at present, human psychic abilities--except for healing others--are rarely significant in our reality. There's nothing inherently good or evil about psychic abilities, since everyone is 'psychic', and every day their thoughts, etc., influence themselves and other people, and the world--for better or worse--whether they know it or not, and for most people, whether they like it or not.

Something like the LOA ('Law of Attraction'), combined with something like EFT ('Emotional Freedom Technique', etc.) will be of immensely greater importance than any efforts to increase our 'psychic' powers, and science will explore the continuum of these two related understandings of the relationship between consciousness and reality, and the ability of humans to construct the realities we experience, and in particular the equations which characterize intentions, etc., and relate intentions, etc., time, and consequences...and the nature of the interaction between and among individual and collective consciousnesses, and whether the intentions of a group of people, synchronized or 'harmonized' by some means, can significantly affect the reality experienced by the group.

The understanding that humans have remarkable abilities to heal themselves, emotionally and physically, will have enormous consequences for our civilization. For most people, in most cases, this power can be significantly increased by the interaction with one or more healers. From the perspective of current medical knowledge, this might be understood as an extraordinary and deliberate enhancement of the 'placebo effect'.


Perhaps the most critical question for science is: are the "Laws of Physics" as we believe we know them, absolute, or only our constructions, overlaid on some deeper truths and realities?

While scientific and technological knowledge the ETs could provide might be critical, by far the most important scientific issue is metaphysics, and a change in the consciousness of humankind--a spiritual revolution. Even a new energy source, or an extraordinary new understanding of our planetary environment, etc., while they might be critical to our survival, will not ensure our survival unless our attitudes change.

Wild, or not, speculation: there is no 'objective' past, present, or future. All exist simultaneously, and there are probabilistic preferences, i.e., 'lowest energy solutions', but all are changed 'simultaneously' by conscious choices and intentions.

Part 2

Monday, July 9, 2012

Contact, Acknowledgment, and Disclosure

 [ 19 December 2017:


Even more congratulations to the entire TTSA team (and Leslie Kean).

This is official acknowledgement of U.S.G. interest in UFOs (contrary to decades of lies); 'semi-official' acknowledgement that UFOs are real, and ETs are here; a very minor, but enormously significant disclosure; and major MSM coverage.

Unfortunately, however... You can spend millions and billions of dollars to investigate and study UFOs for years, but you will never learn who the ETs are, and you will never recreate ('reverse engineer') their technology until you talk to the ETs. This civilization, without major changes in our path, doesn't have enough time left to accomplish what TTSA claims they intend to accomplish. The only way this civilization can survive long enough to travel to the stars is to learn from the ETs about the experiences of other civilizations which reached our stage of technological development. We can begin Contact now:

To the TTSA team (and U.S.G.): please do it now, while we still have time. ]

[17 OCT 2017] This post is somewhat obsoleted (or is it?) by:

To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science (TTS/AAS).

Watch the 'live broadcast' (40 min.).
Congratulations and many thanks to TD and all involved. It's an extraordinary first step, and hopefully will lead to more disclosure, official acknowledgement, and eventually to Contact--because Contact is what's desperately important for our civilization now.

Whether or not they pursue Contact, DOD/CIA, et al., have effectively acknowledged the UFO reality, and if 'official' Acknowledgement (and some 'Disclosure') are initiated or forced, they have an excellent response to any criticism about decades of coverup:

< Of course we denied the reality for years--like all the nations who knew, for National Security reasons. But most Americans have long understood that, and neither Congress, the news media, or the scientific community have seriously pursued the issue in the last few decades. We invited Congress and the news media to ask questions (see Chris Mellon's statement in the broadcast) but they ignored us--and ignored the interest of the American people in the UFO presence. So--don't blame us... >

While not perfect, the TTS operation is a really excellent defensive maneuver (and presumably the last in a series starting with the 'Chase Brandon' affair), and will deflect most of the anger mentioned below to those who are really at fault.

It's impossible to know exactly what's going on inside TTS or the National Security State, but surely they understand that while Contact will be enormously difficult for our civilization, the alternative of ignoring the experiences and mistakes of past civilizations is and will be worse. Don't believe that? Then ask the ETs. 

TTS/AAS & Co. have the ability to initiate the first step in Contact right now, by openly posing the question in 'Real SETI...' or '...Fermi...' to NASA, for example. Perhaps you can find a willing reporter or news organization--and a cooperative NASA spokesperson...]


The big news story will be that for over six decades UFO's have been flying around, violating 'our' airspace, with no respect for our 'laws',  interfering with our strategic 'defense' capabilities, and according to some folks, 'abducting' and 'molesting' our people, etc. And the U.S.G. doesn't know who they are, why they're here, or what their plans are; is helpless to do anything about it; and has lied about their knowledge of the situation since at least 1947.

The ensuing media frenzy, and public anger, in the U.S., and to a lesser degree in other nations, toward various parties, including the ETs, could be very disruptive, and even destructive.

Perhaps the National Security Establishment will consider Contact first--see the 'Covert Diplomatic' option in A Real SETI...--so they'll actually have something useful to convey to the American people. If no response is received then the current situation is unchanged--no notification of or acknowledgment to any party or the public is required. [FEB 2017: Barring certain unusual (and  rather extreme) efforts to establish credibility, the CD option is no longer possible for the U.S. See 'Sample Message...'] If a response is received, on the one hand, it forces disclosure, but on the other, interest in the facts of life in the Universe--and, whatever is initially learned, the fact that the U.S. Government is actually 'doing something' about it--may outweigh the obsessive interest in decades of lies by the U.S.G., and the failure of politicians, the institution of science, and the news media to address the UFO/ET presence.

>How Would The ETs Respond?

If the ETs intend contact as soon as humans are ready [September 2017: they do], and are willing to compromise on the principle of formally communicating only with a 'collective of sovereigns', then they should [will] respond to any CD approach they regard as authentic and credible, i.e., representing an actual message from the head of state, containing a credible promise to quickly deliver the response to the UNSC (UN Security Council). CD allows one nation to initiate a request, and [5/2017 (subject to the decision of UNSC)] gives access to the message from the ETs to representatives of all nations. [5/2017: The initiating country is bound by the disclosure promise(s) made in the initial message (see Sample Message), regardless of UNSC actions (or inaction). The ETs will not respond in a useful way unless they believe their message will be delivered to the world, after a brief period to allow governments and the U.N. to privately analyze and discuss the message, and prepare for the consequences of public disclosure.]

There are several possible explanations for a non-response to a CD operation, such as failure to detect the signal, or inability to establish the message is authentic and credible. These possibilities could be minimized by certain partially overt actions taken as the effort is initiated.

What would they say? One possibility is "We will provide a more substantive response to an open request initiated by a multinational group or the UNSC." Or, more simply: "Open multinational, UNSC, or UNGA initiated." While reasonable in one sense, in that it's indicative of a very 'even-handed' approach with respect to the interests of all nations, it also ensures the process of initiating a request for communications will be 'bogged down', if not buried, perhaps indefinitely, in the morass of UN bureaucracy and diplomacy.

A better option for the ET response might be delivery of one or more data storage and/or communications device(s), which humans could interface with using their technology. The problem, of course, with delivering one or more physical objects, is that some humans, including perhaps most scientific 'experts', would fear infections from ET microbes, and might not trust even explicit assurances from ETs that the objects are 'sterile'. And so the objects might be destroyed, or end up locked in some biological containment facility, and never used. For now, therefore, this is simply not a practical option, unless the initiators of the CD (or other) approach decide in advance that they will trust explicit assurances that any objects delivered will be free of infectious organisms, and request such assurances in the initial message. Absent this, some form of optical communication between a ship and a ground station is most appropriate for now.

The OD (overt diplomatic) national or multinational approach is a bit of a fantasy, unless the announcement is made exactly as the operation is initiated. Otherwise, the rest of the world will loudly complain, and the UN will attempt to assert control, and stop the effort, or at least cripple it with a diplobabble message. Moreover it will force disclosure or acknowledgment, and the world will have to deal with all the resulting social problems, without any useful information from the ETs.

By far the most likely to elicit a response from one or more of the ET groups would be a rational public request from the UN. The most probable response would be a message, and an end to actions solely intended to make their presence known, i.e., the limited demonstrations of presence which have characterized their behavior for decades. [FEB 2017: The ETs absolutely will respond to a U.N. message--but perhaps not at the exact time or in the exact manner requested.]

The UN, of course, has already spoken on the issue of contact. While their response is, on the one hand quite honest and reasonable, on the other hand, it was a rather sad, and perhaps an obituary or even epitaph class declaration of the primitive and psychologically fragile nature of our civilization. [UN press conference video, 13 October 2010.] For now, the UN, speaking for the nations of the world, has sent a message to the ETs--somewhere in between 'go away' and 'sorry, we just can't deal with reality now--if ever'. Of course, this is not news to the ETs.

>U.S.G. Disclosure

Forget about it, for now. "The files were destroyed, if they ever existed, the people who created the 'coverup'--if there ever was a coverup--are dead, and, it's all S&M [Sources and Methods]." The S&M tactic--the claim that Disclosure would cause extremely grave harm to the 'National Security' of the U.S.--while total and incredibly stupid nonsense, would be highly effective. Most Americans (and most politicians) will buy it, especially after the Congressional Investigation and the "Commission to Make the UFO Coverup Problem Go Away" are announced.

>"Congress Will Get to the Bottom of This (Coverup)".

Not a chance. Many members of Congress will support, overtly or covertly, the elements of the NSE who were and are opposed to 'Disclosure' (as opposed to simple 'acknowledgment').

Some 'totalitarian' governments have erased their people's history, and it will be seen that this is exactly what the NSE has accomplished. The only practical approach is an 'historical' commission, and even they will never learn anything close to 'the truth, whole truth, and nothing but the truth'.

[FEB 2017: If you're interested in Contact, perhaps you'll consider looking at the Contact and the Future posts (Parts 1-4). Though somewhat dated, most of the points are still relevant. While it's not 'too late' to even consider Contact, the prospects for a positive outcome (for humankind) have grown dimmer over the years, and especially in the last few months.
Only the ETs know the whole story from the larger perspective. They have a wealth of information on the history of UFOs and the U.S.G. (and other nations). The best single source of information on this subject at present is "UFOs and Government: A Historical Inquiry", by Michael D. Swords and Robert Powell (et al.) (see Recent Books).]